"Are all Airos as beautiful as you miss Ava? I know know why He kept referring to you as his little dove when he was last here."
"Husband talked about me with you?"
"He spoke about all of his wives, not just you and my granddaughter."
"I hope you did not tell my grandmother anything bad I hope."
"Not at all. Mostly just how eveyone was getting along. Elric it would be best if you land in front of the great hall. I will go inform Moon Flower and my ungrateful son that you are here. In the mean time make yourself comfortable in the dining room."
"Just tell him this drinking buddy is here, and that I brought lots of wine, and ale."
"If word you have drink gets out you might end up with many drinking buddies."
"I have no idea what my father packed, but I brought ten bottles for you and Moon Flower to share from my private stock. There as also five hundred barrels of Berryhills wine and two hundred barrels of ale in Odin's cargo hold that I intended to be sold as trade."