Ch. 174 A Warm egg is a Happy egg (R-18)

After a four day long celebration, even Elric, and Blaze where nursing a wine headache. Although he awoke to a bed full of beautiful women, Elric's thoughts where on the three little girls above. They would soon wake wanting to be feed, yet their mother's milk would be far to tainted with wine to give them. Extracting himself from between Airisa's massive mounds and Cherry Blossom's luscious slender thighs, Elric crawled out of bed.

After getting dressed with thoughts of him needing to help Aalis, and Aqua empty there engorged and milk swollen breast once they woke, Elric went to ensure that James, Alex, and Trident all had plenty of bottles of fresh milk, and fish gut slurry to appease his three daughters. Giving each of his girls a hug and kiss before leaving to go back down to the bed full of naked women he left.