Ch. 176 Southern March

Appearing on the seventh floor of Celestial Dragon Oasis next to Elric, Tiberius Pendragon kept blinking and rubbing his eyes in disbelief.

"Take a seat Tiberius. I need to let the chef and my father, along with a others know we are here for dinner. The menu is on the table, and your first special task of off your assignment is to pick out the dishes that I will be taking back with me for my wives, and concubine Airisa for dinner."


"Just sit there and pick out eight things that sound good to you. One of those eight dishes is for yourself. I will be back in a moment."

"Where are we?"

"A restaurant."

"And it is okay for us to just umm show up like we did unannounced? This has to be some sort of V.I.P. room or floor."