Ch. 179 Old Mages vs. Young Witches

Turning towards the direction that the flair shot off by the team on Valkyrie three, Elric made use of Odin's altitude, and his powerful draconic vision to get a look at what the situation was. Seeing that Valkyrie three was quickly gaining altitude while firing its cannons at an enemy unit of approximately twenty thousand, Elric turned the controls of the Odin sharply.

"Fire a red and white flare in the direction we are now flying."

Without asking why Sky Dancer turned around and grabbed a red and white flare out of a small cabinet located in the back right corner of the bridge, before running out onto the balcony of the bridge. The balcony overlooked the upper deck of the Odin, giving Sky Dancer a clear shot towards the bow. Holding both flairs in her right hand Sky Dancer pulled both cords with her left hand, firing both flairs at the exact same time.