"I am not the fairy queen, that title belongs to my great-great aunt Faya, if she still lives. I don't care what you do with that stupid cage as long as you don't shove me back into it."
"Him calling you HIS, fairy queen was not to insinuate that you where in fact the real Queen of the Fairies, but is him showing that he accepts you as one of his lovers. He has little pet names for all of his wives, and probably his concubine Airisa as well, but I have never heard what he calls her or Blaze. But he is going to probably need to come up with a new one for second sister, as calling her his little princess now would be strange as that title should belong to his daughters. He calls be his little thunder storm by the way."
"Well I have an idea about what you can do with that cage husband. Why not use it to make a little bed for her and a teny tiny little ring for her. You made rings for Rain and I, so I know you can do it."