The long night was filled with the final screams of hundreds of mages, as the tower fell. Floor by floor Elric ripped it apart with his massive powerful claws. While Blaze rain down dragon fire on the mages that tried to flee the horrors of the night. While the two of them took care of most of the destruction, Artro focused on making use of his ability to control space to teleport any surviving magical creatures and beast they came across to safety.
While he managed to save a grand total of twenty seven Swiftrexes, he did not find another caged fae like he secretly hoped. However he found a cage containing a pair of magical beast Elric had never even read about before. Thankfully it appeared that it was a mating pair, and they seem to be in good health. Based on their apperance and size, Artro determined that they where some bred of Mystic Desert Bat. But even they where not the biggest find in the tower.