Blaze and Elric took turns engulfing ships, boats, and river ports in flames, while Artro conserved his strength. He was going to take the lead on the attack on Centaur's Milk Tower. So it was a better for the plan that did not waste his strength on the watercraft. Blaze alone could have burned them all to ash, but Elric was having to much fun useing the smaller boats for target practice.
As they made a game out of destroying the ships and boats of many a poor fishermen, Commanders Davis, and Colt lead thousands and thousands of men through the difficult terrain of the mountain pass. Even with how wide the pass was, it was a long slow process due to the steep climb and high altitude of the mountain pass. Thankfully lady luck shown her favor down upon them, and the only Centorus forces they ran into were lookouts. T
Who were fortunately taken down by Captain Talos and his riders before they could light off signal fires to warn the defense force of Centorus of an impending attack.