Ch.239 Returning home

"Welcome to our humble little corner of the Great Forest, Great Celestial Dragon Elric. The fact that you have a fairy paramore makes you all the more welcome, but why come all the way to this little forest in the Great Forest?"

"My fourth wife Rain and I were looking for Silver Vine Hibiscus and came across Truvana Village in our efforts to find it. The elders of that village told us of this fae forest as they called it, and said that a large quantity of the Silver Vine Hibiscus could be found growing here."

"Is she a dragon too, and where is she I do not see her?"

"No, Rain is mostly human, with a elven grandmother. My first wife Blaze is a dragon, but she is not traveling with us at this time. As for where Rain is, she is on the other side of the clearing. As I thought it best if I came alone to make introductions. Well that is assuming there were actually fae living here."