Ch. 247 Valkyrie incident

"Are there any guest that would like to present their gifts to the bride and groom at this time?"

"If I may, I would like to do so at this time."

"By all means King Cabraella, please present your gift. You are one of our closest allies after all."

"Thank you, Voice of Vellen. But first I must ask his eminence a question."

"I have an idea what you wish to ask. Your daughter is free to spend as much time with you and the queen as she wishes. I have never restricted her movements in that regard. I can always send a Valkyrie to bring her back to Silver City Castle, or here. Or she can just make use of Valkyrie Six after the Voice of Sands has been taken back to his home in Silver City. It is not like by bed will be empty without her, and even my wife Ava will be retiring herself from the party shortly."