Ch. 249 Runa holds court

When the freshly redressed Elric opened the doors of the harem leading into the throne room King Cabraella, and the two attendance he brought with him could only see a black wall of swirling space behind Elric.

"I heard screaming; pray tell me that you did not take a whip to my daughter, and why can I not see beyond that set of doors?"

"No whip was taken to the imperial concubine, if that is your concern right now you might want to reevaluate your priorities King Cabraella. As for why you can not see beyond that door, I do not find it appropriate to allow others to view ones harem."

"Can I see her?"

"She is not in a state that is fit to receive visitors, and she is being pushed still. While the embarrassment she would feel by being seen without clothing would add to her punishment to some degree. It would be in poor taste to have her father view her in such a way, and I do not wish to have her seen by another man."