Ch. 255 Carving new roads

"He is a dragon, and a very big one at that. He is also extremely busy trying to make a better place for his people, when not of killing mages, or playing with his women."

"What do you think that Headmaster is doing with his time right now?"

"Had to say, but I would guess that he is either talking with what we call Voices of the People, they are subjects elected by the people to represent them, and help shape how their territory is ran and developed, or he is off working on one of the many on going projects around the empire."

"Any chance that he is going to make me talk with House Martocs about me becoming a witch?"

"Maybe, but it is not like his mother-in-law will give you any problems. We are going to be stopping by their main tree top city on the way back to Starsfall City, but it has nothing to do with you. I can introduce you to the matriarch if you want, or you can just stay on the Odin."