Ch 260 Talking with grandfather

Both Ray, and Myra had their heads buried in dusty old tomes on either side of the the ancient map copy, when Elric returned to his private lab at the academy. Neither of them bothered to even look up, even though they felt his presence, when he Appeared behind them. Both had a long string of notes shut it down on scraps of paper surrounding the books, and two copies of the ancient map. Even with their faces mostly blocked by stacks of old books, Elric could tell that they were not have much luck when it came to deciphering the older than old runic language used on the map.

"I take it that it is not going as well as you would like. Frustration and confusion are practically written all over your faces."

"Master, most of what we have been able to make some progress on, conflicts with what I know of dwarven history, and how the runes they use in magiteck forging came a about."

"How so?"