Ch. 267 Dance in the light of the Moonless Night(Part 2)

**Ironskin City-state**

Elric appeared on the far end of the docks wishing to make as little of a scene as possible out of his sudden arrival. He could not be certain that the Shadow Mist Kingdom spies were not in the city-state, and other rival kingdoms. In fact he would find it strange for them to not have spies, as he placed spies in a few key locations on Tera. It was all to common for kingdoms to keep close tabs on their enemies, and even closer ones on their allies. His typical outfit of black leather pants, and frilled shit was close enough to the garb of men that made their livelihood on the wave, that he did not stick out. Add on the strong aroma of chopped fish coming off him thank you the meal he just prepared, and he fit the bill of the ships cook nicely. The thin blade strap to his side only added to the look, while also sending the message that he was not someone to try and chat up.