Ch. 270 Sacrifice or recruit

In the ten minutes Pale Shadow was away tending to her duties as guide, Elric's mind was filled with all sorts of thoughts. Her mention of towers, and robes made it to where he was a but certain that this is some sort of mage function. They were obviously selecting him, or the shadow mist elf man the was pretending to be, and the others for something. But everything he had seen in the peninsula, and been told by Maximums about how mages selected their new plebs, and applicants was completely different.

They would normally take very young children, ripped from there mother's arms, and have those seeking power come to them. But then again those were towers that operated out in the open. This suspected mage tower seemed to hide in the shadows acting in secret as they manipulated the crowd of Shadow Mist Kingdom. Elric could not be sure if they were being tested in so way for recruiting purposes, or to lured into a false sense of safety before being offered as a sacrifice.