"Your eminence the beautiful knight that took his head would not happen to be without a husband by chance?"
"She is one of my personal dolls made by Master Sid, but if you can best her in combat, I am not apposed to letting you have her for the night. But I will warn you that none of my knights have been successful in that endeavor."
"I see, them may I inquire as to how much a exquisite doll of her caliber cost."
"More than the air ship that you flew here with King Ishtarn Cabraella on, if you want one of her current design. She has been extensively modified since she was originally purchased. Her magiteck core is currently not something produced for anyone other than myself. But if you want one that is simular to how she was originally or perhaps with a Haddle Jade core, it should be within your price range but the cost is something that you would have to discuss with Master Sid when he is willing to take on more commissions."