Ch. 292 I said that I would

Dark Nightshade and Valas Nightwind came at the very last second, both with a dozen soldiers that believe to be knights. In The Empire of Kerseye those elven soldiers would at best be swordsmen that might receive some consideration to receive knight training. They both had on blood splattered leather and ring armor, that suggested that they too had been fighting recently. The two princes would not have bothered to come to the summons of their little sister Princess Jade Thorn Rose, but they had a bone deep fear of what they had seen in the sky above the castle that caused them to come.

"Where is your so called champion dear little sister? All I see is a little man in fancy clothes that thinks he can sit on our late mother's throne, while you sit on mine."

"I think you are mistaken eldest brother. The throne and crown will be mine."

"Silence! I did not grant either of you the right to speak as you please. As for my champion, he is here in my shoulder if you look carefully."