"Humm, I think that all of those are good names. So what now? You are going to see how I conduct trade, and then try to make a deal with Cabraella Kingdom on behalf of your own kingdom. While it is a formal setting you might find that the King and Queen of Cabraella and I speak somewhat informally at times. You could say that they are more or less my in-laws in some ways, as Airisa is there daughter. I have also saved the king from dying to snake bite, and he has formed a friendship with my father and father-in-law John."
"So I need to at as a proper Queen, even if you three talk more casually at times."
"Yes, that would be best. Moon Shadow can you please ask the king and queen to join us in my throne room, and be sure that Airisa goes back with you to the harem chambers. Also if you see the head maid please let her to come make a report to me."
"Yes, master."