Ch. 309 How does he do it

"Good morning Woden, ol Sid treating you well?"

"He is quite demanding, but thanks to him my first doll is coming along nicely. We should be ready to test the experimental core in a few days. Jade is not taking to much of an advantage of you and your empire is she?"

"Not at all. If anything she has provided me with an excuse to stretch my wings, and make father run his own kingdom."

"How did she do in court on her own?"

"Not bad, but I do have a few suggestions on how certain requests could have been handled, even if your solution cause a slight headache for me. The biggest issues were with how you handled the closed session with your advisors and a handful of nobles, but we will address that another time. a

As you will be observing how I hold open court sessions in Silver City Castle, we will focus on Open court and requested audiences for now."

"What decision caused you troubles, and how do you know of my ruling on it?"