Elric found little of interest on the second highest floor. All he could find were a four office like rooms, one in each corner of the floor, and what was probably once a central lounge area that looked out over what was now a sunken city. He could imagine the inhabitants of this tall tower building sitting on the couches and chairs that he found ruined by countless years of literal tons of sand and dirt, as they looked out over what had to be a magnificent city below them.
If this city could one day be restored to it's former glory, he could enjoy such a view with his wives and children. Elric could already picture such a day in his mind. Thoughts of turning the top most floor into his private residence, while his first four children shared this second highest floor had already entered his mind. Visions of the future filled his mind as he set about the task of cleaning out another floors worth of sand from the stairwell leading down.