Ch. 318 I should probably talk to grandfather first

A dead tired question-filled Elric made his way to his aboveground bed in the main room of his chambers. Upon reached it, he allowed himself to fall into it. Half an hour later Zephyr found him completely passed out when she went to gather clothing to take to be washed. He had not informed anyone about his return before falling into bed, so his women were starting to worry a little.

Zephyr did inform Aalis however, and she told the others over dinner that Elric did not wake up for. It was supposed to be her night alone with him, but she settled for snuggling him as he slept, once she got the twins to settle down for Airisa and the dolls. Three hours after dawn, Elric awoke to find himself nestled in between the ample breast of his first and second wife. To him it was one of the best felling on Zania. He almost never got the two of them on the same bed at the same time, and was almost upset with himself for sleeping through such a rare night.