Ch. 340 Adjusting the Circles

During the time Elric used to spend some quality time with his children and women, a handful of important discoverys were made, that he was finally finding time to look over and translate entirely. The very rough transition that Ray managed to do useing the guide books he had made for him, painted a picture that one of the things that he hoped to find was contained in the pile of "glass tablets" stacked neatly on his upper most floor located desk. With how Ker and Boyne were going to pay a visit to see the children in two days, Elric was on his own thanks to his grandfather's avatar not being there for his lesson. Well Solara was at his feet, trying to read a recipe for candy he translated for Jenna's Candy Palace, when it was found two days ago.

"Dada, it is same as taffy."

"I thought so to, my little light. But look at the bottom of the glass tablet. It says something about a soft cream center."

"Cream? That is like thick milk right?"