Ch. 351 Unrelenting Fury

"Are you going to call House Pendragon to uphold their oath master?"

"I will not have to. Grandfather and I were already planning on a mage hunt after he awoke fully and has time to recover his full strength. I am going to go tell Queen Jade Thorn Rose what I found today. I am sure she and her uncle will pay a visit to a certain kingdom that flys a banner with the same emblem as the one a few merfolk found next to a recently fired cannon belonging to the Jade Princess. It will not be a peaceful visit. That much I certain. Duar's brother might demand as much blood as I."


"Looks like we are both on babysitting duty Maximums. If you will excuse me I need prepare those that are far to young to face the horrors of war."

"I will bring you the second bottle of Dwarven Firewater Ale Ol Sid gave me Ray, you are going to need a stiff drink. Save the wine for the young ones that may be called to fulfill the oath that they were sworn to."

*In another part of Dragon City Castle*