Ch. 382 Submerged Temple

After the better part of a day and a half entangled with his women, Elric had a informal meal with all of the Voices of the People on the seventh floor of Celestial Dragon Oasis, that his father unintentionally interrupted. Artro had the ever so cute little Wavey coiled around his left arm as he walked on to the seventh floor. This caused Elric to set down the roll he was about to shove into his mouth, and get up out of his chair.

"How is my favorite little sister?"

"If you are expecting more than her to bite your fingers that smell like food, you are asking far to much. She has yet to speak at all."

As if knowing that they were talking about her, Wavey hissed like a little snake and stuck her little blue tongue out at Elric, causing him to laugh.

"That is not a nice way to say hello little sister, but seeing as you are probably hungry and upset that father took you out of the water for a while, I can forgive you and even have a little meal made just for you."
