Ch. 388 Mini adventures and fishing

With a rough idea of what had been discovered in the sands of the Teran desert, and reports of the empire experiencing a prosperous period of time with no signs of conflict on the horizon, Elric could now focus all but a tiny fraction of his attention and time on his children and women.

Unfortunately Aora was way too excited about taking a little miniature adventure with her mother and father, that she could not help but talk about it at length over dinner with her grandmothers in Starsfall City during a family dinner at Celestial Dragon Oasis.

"I was going to ask how a Emperor fills his time when not holding court,or expanding his domain in one fashion or another. Harassing your mother-in-law as she attempts to work surely is not the only way that you have to have fun. I guess now, I do not have to. Would you mind terribly if my husband tags along with his granddaughters?"