Ch. 392 Pri Rila plays princess

When the sun rose into the air Elric somehow managed to resist the sweet siren call of his bed, and the still hungry arms of Airisa. He had not gotten much sleep in the last few days as he was taking care of the needs of Jade Thorn Rose, Moon Shadow, and Airisa, allowing each of them several hours of his undivided attention.

Thanks to magic, he was able to dress the still still sleeping Airisa without much effort. She awoke to the smell of bacon and maple syrup covered hotcakes in the private dining hall of the imperial family located in Dragon City Castle. Rubbing her eyes Airisa slowly understood that she had been dressed and taken from Silver City Castle in her sleep, because Elric wanted her to be apart of the family breakfast she missed on most days.

"Auntie Airisa, are you going to attend my special youth court session this morning? So far only mother and father had said that they will be taking part."