Ch. 404 Titan's first outting

While the father was wading through the murky waters of trade negotiations, and redirecting the assets of the empire to take up the strain caused by the Explorer's Guild members actions, the son barreled his way through a hundred miles of trees, vines, razor grass, and predators in a heavy downpour. Even though he made frequent stops to uproot a herb or strange looking flower before shoving it into one of the two large saddlebags strapped to his sides, Titan made it all the way to OakWood Kingdom with more than a day to spare.

Upon arrival at the southern gate of the OakWood Kingdom, Titan was greeted by six members of the royal guard assigned to watching over the large heavy iron riveted foot thick oak gates. The tall elven man that was obviously in charge of the small guard unit called out to have the gate opened as Titan approached. The other five guards locked themselves into a proper salute once Titan got within twenty paces of them.