Ch. 426 Fist day of the SS ranked quest

With himself freed from the grasp of his adorable fairy bride Elric dressed in the rugged explorers outfit that would more or less be the unofficial uniform of the Gagaree expedition. Thick leather hide boots with a light layer of dragon steel chainmail, and heavier than normal black leather pants would be a set standard for those going into areas know to have or believed to be covered in Bloodletting Fern or razor grass. Although a version made with other metals would also work to some degree. He topped off his outfit with an unfilled green shirt that had an open back that was covered over by his typical leather vest.

"You look fine, now let's go get a proper meal in you, Titan, and Venus before we have to say goodbye. I don't think that I have to tell your daughters to eat well before they join Titan via Valkyrie before whatever ship it was that you put him in charge of departs."