Surprisingly enough Moonflower had accurately guessed that Elric was going to show up in time for a meal with Drake, and it was even elven dumplings with fresh grou sauce that was on the stove when the three of them arrived. Moonflower and the little tagalong bonded over a shared meal, and Elric was told to leave it up to her to break the news to Lillith. Before he left she made him promise to bring Rain Tempest and Leafa for a visit as soon as it was convenient to do so.
"Don't pull the same stunt you did with Lunar Lily on my wife, she would leave the poor thing in that cage forever, or make Rain open it."
"Drake, for someone who is obsessed with dragons you are rather slow to understand how the boy thinks. His actions only look like a evil dragon prank on the surface. Ask your little wife and Lilith to explain it to you if you don't understand why he did what he did. Elric did what was best for all of you."