Ch. 442 Special Dinners

Even though Elric's head was filled with thoughts on the subject of finding fae, mages, and ancient cities hidden under countless leaves and branches, he did not want to cause his son any hardships with his future in-laws, or disrupt the plans of his daughter. There was also the matter of the mage staff, or more accurately the materials it was made from. He was sure that his grandfather had similar thoughts towards it, and seeing if "new life" could be given to the old wood or orb that topped it.

Sloara and Captain Onix Nightbanch did not exactly like all of the attention they were receiving while just trying to enjoy their breakfast. It would be their last day together, because he was to report back to the riverside camp the morning after what would be their first official outing. Only the emperor did not tease them relentlessly, as he appeared to be lost in his own thoughts, or enjoying the apple wood smoked sausage links he had on an almost spiritual level.