Ch. 453 Not all fae are defenseless

Elric was less than pleased that Aphrodite had essentially disregarded his wishes and that his own father caved in to her demands to come along and not let Venus be the only one to get a little revenge. But right now he could tell that she was seething with rage even if no one else could, because of the intimate relationship they had. Therefore he knew very well that she was not going to let the snide comment of the old man go without a equally nasty response. All he could do was try to keep her safe as possible now.

"Just keep it to yourself Aphrodite, I know that you want to start a war of words right now, but won't it be better just to show him that you and Venus are not exactly defenceless little fae after we get some rest. While I am not thrilled about how you came along and did not stay behind with your mistress considering the condition that you might be in, I am serious about you warmingy bed tonight. You can see it as your punishment for being so disobedient if you wish."