Ch. 481 Legendary City of Silver

"Now that everyone has ate their fill I will Tell you the name of the book that the mages found an what I know of what should be written within it. The book was said to be the Magica Originailis. It was supposedly lost by someone called, Grand Arcaninist Lexicon Sar Rillius, more than one thousand seven hundred years ago. I have seen it mentioned in the records of more than one Mage Tower."

"The title sounds like it should talk about the origens of us witches."

"Elder, unfortunately from what I know of it, the old book talks very little of witchcraft and the Gift of Magic given to our ancestors by my grandfather. It is part legend and part history most likely, however it talks about the birthplace of mage rituals and arcane knowledge seekers."

"What was it a ancient burial ground for magical creatures and beast lost to the sands of time now."