Ch. 486 Civitas Transcendens Metallum

Gathering around a meal Elric was brought up to speed on the current progress they had made in exploring the ancient city buried in the cave, and he explained to them the prevailing theory on why the mages had started acting in such a way. He of course left out details such as how a young lady was chained to his daughter's bed currently, but included how Maximums got to short vacation in Vellen Kingdom's dungeon.

"So where you able to find any clues so far as to where it might be located, if it ever actually existed or still dose, your eminence?"

"A few potential leads that require further investigation to determine if they hold valuable information that would give us a massive advantage over the mages in trying to find it."

"You, are probably already aware your eminence, but our supplies and starting to run low, and my one or two attempted hunting ventures outside the cave were fruitless."