Ch. 494 Preliminary search results

"Nothing dangerous father, she just ended up with a paramore of her own a little earlier than expected."

"Ha, ha, ha. It is as if it is a family curse. "

"No, I believe that your great grandson's mother, paramore, and first wife-to-be are trying to play match maker, father. I also believe that your name was brought up as well, Ivy. "

"Tell me young witch have you found anything that might suggest that this is the city of the mages are desperate to find?"

"Great Dragon Ker, Emperor Vellen, and other noble dragons, we have only seen a few badly damaged parts of statues that are made of some metal that has a silver like appearance. I can not even say with confidence what those statues depicted. The largest section of one we have found looked like it was supposed to be an outstretched arm holding an palm sized orb. It was rather twisted and bent out of shape, so I am only guessing at the posture it was posed."