Ch. 508 Don't rock the boat

While Titan was just starting to enjoy his battle against a few mages that could actually put up a proper fight, Magell Dar Warborn was deeply entrenched in his own battle. Although the mages that had assaulted Team River had been vanquish for the most part, and operations to track down and capture any of the ones that managed to flee the battle were under way, a war of words had erupted on the deck of the river going ship.

It was a four way battle, but it was hard to draw the line between three of the groups involved to a degree that clearly distinguished them as three separate groups. As most of the time they all joined together against the fourth group that consisted of the royals and nobles that had chosen to join the expedition along Crystal River. The first group consisted of a single person. However, that single person just so happened to be a hot headed boat lovin dwarf that went by the name : Magell Dar Warborn or Guild Master.