Ch. 510 Call to Arms

The only member of the Elder Council that did not grumble and loudly voice their discontent about being called to an emergency session at the rather inconvenient time that saw them finishing their evening meal or just starting to fall asleep was Elder Moonflower. She was awake, dressed, and even sipping tea when she answered the door in a prompt fashion.

"If you were looking for Solara and that lovely shadow mist elven knight she is going to marry, they and your son left around ten minutes ago. What brings you at this hour, should I put on another pot?"

"An important matter that you should have some knowledge of considering who payed you a visit. Reguarding the tea, it will not be necessary as Great Dragon Ker is going to bring a few pots and some snacks to the emergency council session. All on The Grand Elder's coin of course."

"Do we expect him to attend? Those two made it seem like he had quite a few problems to juggle."