Ch. 531 State of Zania

Elric was giving little time to come to terms with his feelings regarding the pending birth of his next child, the strange relationship between himself and Boyne, or the reaction his mother had to it all. This was because a overdue court session was set for noon to discuss the current situation on Zania as a whole with an emphasis on the several conflicts between kingdoms that were still talking place, and their impact on the flow of trade.

The only thing separating Elric from an hours long dragon sized headache was a plate stacked hight with thick cuts of ham, and two beautiful fairies rubbing his shoulders as he ate in the chamber normally resurveyed for advisory council meetings. The quiet meal with his and Blaze's paramore was Blaze's idea, as she felt that a big pile of meat and little soft hands rubbing on his neck and shoulders in a quite place would help him relax ahead of the court session that was sure to be stressful.