An hour before the so called hand off of the ransom money and pearls to someone who would pass the payment off to the Red Skys and tell the one leaving the payment where they could find the princess and mer noble, Aora sat in a fisherman's wharf establishment eating the worst tasting elven dish of her life while keeping a close eye on the second pier for a man with a red feather on the right hand side of his cap, as that was the sign of the person that would tell her where to leave the payment.
Half an hour later a woman with a blue handbag would hand her a note with directions to the two locations where the captives could be found in the elven port city. Far above the city at an altitude that air ships could only reach in the fever dreams of Master Sid when he overworked himself, Elric hoverd in the form of a fae sized dragon. He was enjoying being held aloft by thermals as he kept a watchful eye on the situation below.