Ch 538 Dealing with Sky Pirates

Looking at the crew of the cargo ship Pri Rila chirped: "Go get some rope to bind these cowards that are to afraid to even jump overboard or kill themselves. Do with them as you like. We will stay long enough for you to make repairs while we see if their ship can be made operational again. If so we will take it for use in anti-sky pirate patrols, if not you can drag it behind you to port and sell it for scrap. The engines and core are still working correctly as it is still in the air, so it should be worth something."

The crew looked around blinking at Pri Rila, the two rather impressively strong male Airos, each other and the half scared to death sky pirates, acting like they did not know what to do for several seconds. This made Pri Rila rather upset, believing that they were refusing to follow her orders.