On what turned out to be a beautiful and pleasant afternoon a handful of well trained castle maids and butlers were buzzing about in a absolutely stunning beautiful flower filled garden court yard. The placement of the tables, chairs, dishes, and cushions had to be beyond perfect for the tea sampling Princess Oakleaf was going to hold for an envoy. Because a important trade deal may or may not be established based off how the informally formal tea tasting event went.
The last thing that anyone wanted was for an accident spill or reflective glair to ruin what would have otherwise been a favorable trade negotiation. A dirty cup or spoon would be devastating, and the princess was already nervous enough due to it being the first time she was going to attempt to make a trade deal on her own without her father. Of course Titan would be there to back her up, and as an elven princess she was rather familiar with the cost of high quality tea.