Ch. 554 A River called Tranquility

"It has been nice to see the little one again, although I wish his mother would have came as well. I would imagine that you long for a moment of rest Elric as you not only went through the trouble of entering the wims of an expecting mother, but have yet to grace a pillow with your head. As such I will not stay long, even though this tea is rather lovely and the view is breathtaking. It might only be a little river running through a home's back garden, but it carries the felling of a long majestic tranquil river that flows through the country side bringing life to those that live next to its banks. As such I believe that it deserves a good and proper name."

"Stay as long as you wish Moonflower. The boy is young, so a lack of sleep will not harm him. Deep down he is a dragon so going a week or more without rest should be possible. Although he would want a lengthy nap by human standards afterwards."