Ch. 556 Reporting before the Court.

A very nervous looking young lad who was dressed far better than he had previously ever dressed in his entire life was fidgeting with the end of the silk cape that he was unaccustom to wearing as he sat across from Voice Saltsmith and Voice Pearl the voices of the people of the two territorys of the Empire of Kerseye that the royal family of the kingdom he was to represent had the most contact with.

He and only corresponded with them and those that worked under them a few times via letters delivered by messengers and messenger birds, so even sitting down for a face to face with them was nerve-wracking to the young man that had only been thrust into the position of royal envoy a month prior when his father was killed by bandits along what was supposed to be one of the most secure trading routes between the kingdom of his birth and the one to the northwestern of its borders.