Ch. 566 One must not be hasty

What the young King Zul nar Drizar layed his eyes on was a beautiful young princess that may have had a stature of a no taller than a child that had not been in double digits for long, but was revealed to have the fully defined and developed body of a young woman perhaps no more than a year younger than him. For all he knew princess Diannyra Orevein could be older than him. He had heard that dwarves live quite a bit longer than humans after all.

Seeing her in a rather revealing soft pink colored two piece set of swimwear that left little to the imagination, King Zul nar Drizar found himself wanting to tell her how beautiful he found her under the light of the moon, but the words would not come. He just stood there on that tiny patch of sand that that belong to the private estate of the Voice of Dawnstar staring at her face and occasionally stealing glances at her curves.