Ch. 583 Military Exercises

With his short period of rest, relaxation, and "exploration of Airisa's dragon cave" at and end, Elric returned to his throne room in Dragon City Castle leaving Airisa behind in Silver City due to the garden tea party for princesses and queens she was to host there in a day's time. As much as he wanted to continue their sexual adventure in the harem chamber, he had both other women to consider, and duties as an emperor that could not be put off any longer.

One such duty happened to be the issuing of an imperial decree that would act as a perfect cover for making preparations of the secretive expedition to the southern parts of The Great Forest of Gagaree. Other than the issuing of that decree it was going to be a boring day of open court that he just had to push through. He could go play with one of his wives afterwards as a reward he thought.

"That was the last one that wished for their voice to be heard by their wise Emperor, your eminence."