Ch. 600 South Beach



Two little thuds that barely ruffled the feather of the birds perched in the trees just passed the back edge of the beach where the sand gave way to the forest, heralded the arrival of the scouting team. The two air ships were small and specially designed for stealth when operating at slow speeds.

Master Sid might have practically been the father of Air Ships, or at least practical ones in the current age, but even he had limitations. Especially when it came to designing engines that did not sound like a massive swarm of angry bees the size of small dogs. The high speed of the blades created enough heat to make the application of sound blocking or dampening runes problematic at best, and detrimental to the operation of the engines at worst.

"Team one, scout out the location of the water scorce marked on the map. This beach is the same one those sailors found from what Guild Master Megell can tell."