Ch. 607 Awakening in a clump of flowers

The two did glare at one another a few times, but they kept their mouths shut, doing as Artro said. For one he was a mighty existence and king, the other called him grandfather and would not disobey him. Furthermore neither of them could be certain that he was not still watching them from a hidden place.

Emperor and King Vellen had way to many tricks when it came to spying on one in secret after all.

As a result the princess and guild master both went their separate ways for the time being. Guild Master Megell needed to inspect the camp and organize the effort to shuttle more of the explorers and soldiers to it while leaving enough behind at the original camp to keep it operational to some degree.

Rosebud had plenty to do herself as she had to seek out help from one of the witches or warlocks that had more knowledge than her in making potions or even using alchemic principles to determine all of the differences between the different colors of flowers.