With what little she could see it was enough for Rosebud to form a extremely relivent question in her mind. Was this purely the work of nature or was it the result of mage craft being used in some way that she had yet to learn about from the collection of tomes and scrolls her father made her study.
Such thoughts came into her head squeezed in between those about her dreams involving Treow Stonebark and Dreamweaver. She remembered having one that showed lots of fairies and pixies buzzing around a beyond enormous tree, but could not recall any of them sticking out in particular or having one with just a singular fae in it.
However, she felt like she had had a dream or perhaps a nightmare reguarding something to do with her and a fae that she could not quite recall. She definitely remembered saying something along the lines of why to that part of her dreams have to be real as well. Even though she can not be absolutely sure as to why.