Ch. 623 A nessasary change 2

Before she even realized that amount of time had passed Rosebud found herself eye to eye with her father who had returned from the hidden grove where he had gone to plant the ancient tree stump.

As she sat across the table from him with her tea growing colder by the second, she tried to mentally prepare herself for the inevitable grand Inquisition reguarding the events that took place in the short time he was away.

On the outside she looked like a cool, calm, and collected little imperial princess, but on the inside she was a nervous as when she had gotten caught trying to sneak treats out of the castle's kitchen for herself and her older siblings that put her up to doing so.

Looking right at her, Elric opened his mouth to speak, having collected his thoughts after sitting across the table from his daughter for around three minutes.

"Your tea is getting cold. You should drink it before it is no longer warm."