Ch. 642 Under Dark Clouds

The storm continued to rage on for another three full days and half of another night before it showed any signs of letting up. The entire time Rosebud fought against the wild cool salty scented winds and rain that fell sideways, never once did she loosen her tail's grip on Treow Stonebark's trunk or pull up more than one of her claws from the ground.

When she did pull her talon covered claw out of the ground it was only to take the slabs of dried meat that her grandfather had a doll bring to her to serve as her meals.

When her strength allowed, she would use her newly discovered nature element variant of dragon's breath to strengthen Treow Stonebark's grip on his leaves as much as possible.

Sleep was something that would not come, regardless of how much she wanted, or needed it to, thanks to the constant assault of the rather frigid rain that never relented even for a second.