Ch. 672 Announcing the birth of...

Elric gave Airisa his hand to squeeze as the feeling of her first real contraction started to subside. While its coming interrupted their conversation about how he was expecting another child from Aquatica, and the mystery of the siren's pearl, neither of them bothered to pick up where the conversation ended after her contraction subsided completely.

He only took the cool damp cloth the midwife held and wiped Airisa's forehead gently with his free hand, showing her with his gesture that right now the only thing that mattered to him was her and the child she was about to deliver.

Another contraction came quickly, far faster than what her mother or the midwives in attendance expected, but this time she felt no discomfort at all. Only she noticed the dim white light emanating from the gaps between his palm and hers, or the soft warm sensation that accompanied it and washed across her entire body.