The Evidence

"Veronica I am sorry. But I have to go." She just nodded then hurried to follow Niel.

We reach the forensic department and straight to the lab. As we expect, Shane's phonewas already unlocked that make a draw delight into my mind. Because of excitement, Niel get the phone and checked it while I am just standing right beside him and observing.

"Let's check the message inbox, first." He said. But a minute pass by we saw nothing. Then Niel tried to look on call logs and suddenly he release a sigh of disappointment.

"There is nothing except her parents number that living far from city."

" But I am sure there is something important inside. Because if not, why she hide that phone securely inside of her ——

"Just. . . Don't. . . Mentioned it." Cutting me off of what I am going to say.

Trying to be innocent, ha?

"What is that smile?" He comment on my sudden smile.

"Nothing. Can I get the phone?" Trying to change the subject.